chris j ward

I started in Photography around 12 years ago, as an escape to the daily job of IT Project Management. This developed over time to travelling around the Essex, Kent and South East coastline of the UK capturing landscapes and seascapes, with some long exposures of known, and not so well known locations, this is alongside some of my travel photography from around the world, including New Zealand, Iceland and the USA

I print and mount my own photos using museum grade paper and ink, that will last 75+ years. I have also recently started creating Cyanotype prints, this combines both an old Photographic Technique and the plants from our garden or foraged from local hedgerows The process is a mix of 2 chemicals, coated on fine art paper, dried, leaves/flowers added and then developed under glass using the UV rays of the sun! This process was invented by Sir John Herschel in 1842. If you are interested more can be found here :

All images © Chris J Ward