Alex Hare

I studied photography under the eminent social documentary photographer, Dan Meadows, at Cardiff University. As a student, I learnt quickly that, regardless of genre, a photograph always has the power to instantly communicate so many thoughts and feelings.

As I developed into a landscape photographer I began seeking portraits of the natural world that explored ideas behind the contemporary scenery we experience today.

When I moved to Kent, my work focused on expressing the landscapes here through the unique light and weather that passes over this corner of the UK.

Out of this, two collections of work have emerged: Inspired by Turner and Inspired by Kent.

Inspired by Turner is a series of images created through my passion for the great master’s work, much of which he did here in Kent. I identified specific themes in Turner’s work and re-interpreted them today in the contemporary landscape we can all experience.

Inspired by Kent is a series of images derived from my commitment to exploring the diverse landscapes within the county. I’ve found Kent to be one of the most varied landscapes in the UK; from soaring white cliffs, to fields of lavender, salt marshes, rolling hills and medieval cities. These spaces and moments, captured in my work, represent the special and unique qualities of this wonderful part of the country and tell a story of place with a rich and vibrant past, present and future.

Images © Alex Hare